TGN FlexControl

Intelligent Energy Management at Your Fingertips

What is TGN FlexControl?

TGN Energy's FlexControl takes center stage as an intelligent Microgrid controller and Energy Management System, tailored to handle diverse renewable energy sources.

Adaptive and Future-Ready

Hardware agnostic & adaptable to various renewable energy productions, FlexControl evolves with changing regulations, benefiting from on-the-air updates.

User-Friendly Installation

Prioritizing ease of use with a low footprint and straightforward installation, FlexControl allows clients to make quick and client-specific changes effortlessly.

Versatile Applications

FlexControl is prepared for Fleet Management and trading as flexible assets. Seamlessly integrating with VPPs, it can be retrofitted to existing energy storage and production units.

Introducing our new custom demo

We’re now able to provide a completely customisable demonstration of our Virtual Power Plant solution for your property or business.